February 22, 2025

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Hardly Forget And What Will Change Your Life!

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About Francis Luyera

ceoMy name is FRANCIS X.G. LUYERA, a protagonist of Self-Discovery and a Ugandan born in the late pre-independence fifties. I was once a school teacher and now a universal Educator, offering invigorating, age-old wisdom, talks/seminars and written works to people of all walks of life. I’m a family man, a trained Educator and skilled Manager, a self-made Entrepreneur, a socially moulded Leader and Mentor, and an Inspirational Speaker / Writer. My ambition is to fulfil the tripartite notion below.

Vision:      Intellectually talk to the World for the prosperity of humanity.

Mission:    Articulate what we usually tend to take for granted

Ideal:        Be an Agent of change in people’s lives

Academic Credentials

I obtained a Diploma in Education from the National Teachers’ College (NTC) – Kyambogo in 1980, a BA (Arts) from Makerere University in 1987, a Certificate in Administration from AIM (Institute of Administrative Management Kent, UK) in 1991, Pitman Stage I & II Certificate in Accounting in 1991 and a Master’s Degree in Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs’ University Nkozi in 2004.

I have attended various trainings and workshops at home and abroad. I’m now aspiring to obtain a Doctorate in coaching for personal development.

Language Proficiency (Spoken & Written)

  • English (Excellent)
  • French (Very Good)
  • German (Good)
  • Kiswahili (Fair)
  • Luganda (Mother Tongue)

Working experience

I worked as a teacher and headteacher in various Ugandan schools from 1980 to 1997. Thereafter, I served for 9 yrs as a Director of SOS Children’s Village, Kakiri – Uganda, affiliated to SOS Kinderdorf International.

Current Occupation

I attained my own independence in 2007, maximizing my potential as a freelance writer, public speaker and mentor on personal development. I’m a promoter of SELF-DISCOVERY, “The Success Password”, empowering people to enjoy the freedom of designing their own lives. I also double as the C.E.O. of EASY TO GRASP ANS APPLY SOLUTIONS.

Publications: The Self-Discovery Series, fiction books and articles

Hobbies: Nature Watching, Gardening, Reading and Interacting with people.





is a protagonist of Self-Discovery and the CEO of Easy To Grasp And Apply Solutions. Read the whole profile...

Quote of the Day

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael


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