December 22, 2024

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Posted on 12th May 2012 by Ahmed Mohamed Musa in Somaliland

Dear Francis X. G. Luyera,

This is Ahmed Mohamed Musa in Somaliland, a university graduate with a Masters degree from Uganda. I spent five years of my life in Uganda as a student. I am still attached to Uganda because I consider it my second home. Today, as I was touring on the New Vision website, I came across your article on self-employment. I really liked it and it aroused my interest.

Thanks for the article and the advice towards the youth.

Ahmed M. Musa


is a protagonist of Self-Discovery and the CEO of Easy To Grasp And Apply Solutions. Read the whole profile...

Quote of the Day

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael


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