December 22, 2024

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Fiction Series

These are a unique genre of contemporary life experiences spiced up with humor in a narrative style.They act as learning models in our society.

Book Description Cost in UGX

Once Upon A Lone Child

once upon a lone child

This exclusive memoir is a slice of the life of a child raised in a children’s home. It demystifies the phenomenon of orphanages while downplaying the stigma associated with children leaving in such homes



Mother By Choice

self discovery series


Coming Soon!

Under My Eyes

self discovery series


Coming Soon!

Reading From A-Z

self discovery series


Coming Soon!

Scratch My Back

self discovery series


Coming Soon!



is a protagonist of Self-Discovery and the CEO of Easy To Grasp And Apply Solutions. Read the whole profile...

Quote of the Day

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael


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