February 22, 2025

Your One-Stop Resource Centre To Learn Easily What You Will
Hardly Forget And What Will Change Your Life!

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Inspirational Sessions

The motivational talks and seminars are mainly conducted by an in-demand speaker, FRANCIS X. G. LUYERA, who is a seasoned educator and Self-Discovery enthusiast. His passion to empower people embrace self-realization came about as he pursued a Master’s Degree, majoring in Development Studies.

He has ever since devoted his life to this cause, reaching out to numerous individuals in various communities, e.g. families, schools, institutions, clubs, NGOs, corporates, churches, etc… In addition, he has authored several vital user-friendly handbooks (mind-openers) on that subject.

The Self-Discovery Module

This self energizing program is tailor-made to suit diverse needs and audiences as a brief one-to-two hours’ presentation or a one-day up to a maximum of 3-days’ workshop, depending on one’s choice.

The general objectives are:

  • To stimulate the participants’ interest to explore and reflect on what can influence their development to grow as all round individuals. Encouraging innovation other than copycat tendencies.
  • Intrigue them to fully awaken and honestly utilize all their endowments to achieve their desired goals. Taking real action and avoiding mere lip-service.
  • Provoke them to recognize opportunities around them and seize them accordingly.
  • Prepare them to face squarely any challenges they may come across in the above endeavors. “When the journey gets tough as it sometimes will, rest if you should but don’t quit.” ~ Robert Schuller.


  • We focus on the human person as a unique and inimitable being, whose heart is always longing for satisfaction namely experiencing total joy, love, peace and prosperity. This involves valuing the abilities, knowledge, skills, experience, zeal and relationships of every one. Such a positive approach helps people to gain confidence to recognize their own worth and acknowledge their role in taking their destiny into their won hands.
  • We employ a learner-centered approach, enabling individuals to constantly discover their own uniqueness and potentiality as well as that of other people they may wish to emulate. We make reference to personal experience, audio and visual aids and testimonies of success stories in daily life situations for them to appreciate making the best of what they have and the need of sustaining our co-existence.
  • We draw lessons from the works of renowned writers, scholars, philosophers, thinkers and educators, in order to justify the universal nature and true value of the Self Discovery phenomenon. “The ink of a scholar is more powerful than the blood of a martyr”.
  • Use of open communication and free discussion among participants and facilitators enables us to accommodate a wide spectrum of opinions consolidating the understanding of our focal theme.
  • We stir up querying of one’s existence and the meaning of all what is around us. We therefore systematically cultivate excellence in critical thinking. This is vital because the total sum of our life and the standard of what we produce depends on the degree of our thought. 
  • Shoddy thinking is costly, both in money terms and in quality of life. “I cannot teach anybody anything; I can only make them think” ~ Socrates.That awareness ultimately leads individuals to reaching into depth of their hearts and minds (the beyond within), in search of developping personal creative solutions to achieve their set targets in a genuine and mature way while respecting the rights and freedom of others.
  • Last but not least, we advocate for engaging in public debates, symposia and general networking as need be, to gain best practices in entrepreneurship and personal development.


is a protagonist of Self-Discovery and the CEO of Easy To Grasp And Apply Solutions. Read the whole profile...

Quote of the Day

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael

QuoteYou will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart. George Michael


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