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The New Lower Secondary School Curriculum is in Line with the Self-Discovery Approach

Feb 3, 2022 | Self-Discovery

lower secondary school curriculumSelf-discovery is basically defined as the study of oneself especially concerning others and the environment or the journey into the depth of one’s heart to unlock one’s potential.  All in all, it is a powerful stimulus or catalyst for promoting sustainable, self-motivated personal development, i.e empowerment of the self by the self and for the self.  It translates into the critical evaluation and making the best use of available factors for that individual accordingly; e.g. time, talents, tools, toil, trials, traits, training, travel, terrain, territory, etc to Triumph. A lot of literature by renowned past and present scholars is already in existence citing its continuous relevance and amazing results for self and society.

On the local scene, we can look at its connection/link with the New Lower Secondary School curriculum with its theme of “HOLISTIC EDUCATION FOR PERSONAL AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT” which aims at re-orienting general education for economic and social development for all, away from what was originally rather an academic program for continuing students – It is now creative work NOT cram work. (Success in deeds NOT just words/products NOT just papers).

It falls under the strand of LIFE EDUCATION referred to as the PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) that is concerned with the cultivation of personal, social and emotional development of the learners to influence their attitudes and behaviour.  Similarly, this forms the baseline of the SELF-DISCOVERY INITIATIVE.

Highlights of the New Curriculum 

They include the following:

1. Learner-centred

In the first place, the New Curriculum is by design based on the learner-centred approach which emphasizes the learner’s responsibility in that exercise.  This rhymes well with the philosophy of SELF-DISCOVERY.  All the time self-discovery provokes the learner to be inquisitive about existing circumstances. As Joe Cordare put it, “To the questions of your life, you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution.”  Similar declarations have been made by various scholars; e.g.you cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him find it within himself,” Galileo Galilei.

2. The 4 Key Learning Outcomes (KLOs) reflect the traits of Self-Discovery

(i) Self-assurance – This is the core of the self-discovery concept. Self-assurance is directly linked to self-esteem (love and value of self) which is the empowerment of the HEART (soul/spirit/will/inner-self).

No one remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself, Thomas Mann.

Fighting discouragement is a key concern of the self-discovery drive which translates into the awakening of a strong urge for self-determination and self-liberation leading to self-reliance.  You are a more powerful creative being than you could have ever dreamed possible.” Melaine Evans.

(ii) Responsible and Patriotic citizens

Self-discovery empowers everyone to discover, develop and deploy their individual potential for their personal gain as well as that of their respective communities and humanity at large.

Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself and become what he potentially is,” Erich Fromm. Finally, you realize that we all have something to share with the rest of the world in our various capacities. What is your field of interest?

(ii) Passion for Life-long Learning 

Unlike other studies/subjects that end with school time or sitting exams, self-discovery is an ongoing process throughout one’s life for personal improvement.

The road to self-discovery is always under construction”.  This is so since self-discovery has so much to do with inspiration, meditation and innovation all of which have no boundaries.  It, therefore, influences the individual to remain eager for coping with the ever-changing world. When you re-read a great book, you don’t only see in the book more than you did before; you certainly see more in yourself than there was before.”   Clifton Fadiman.  The new curriculum promotes regular self-study moments.

(iv) Making Positive Contribution to the Nation 

Self-discovery urges individuals to be “Agents of Change” in transforming society.  As Mahatma Gandhi put it,Lead the change you would like to see in the world.”  With its numerous wise statements, individuals are encouraged to get started from wherever they are with whatever they have to fill existing gaps in the development equation. The new curriculum emphasizes the acquisition of productive and employable competencies for use, NOT  just knowledge and certificates.

 3. The New Curriculum Shares Core Values with Self-Discovery  Shares Core Values

These core values that self-discovery shares with the New Curriculum under the following general skills (transferrable skills) applicable across the curriculum’s various study areas and in society in general for peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

(a) Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 

The new curriculum seeks to enable a learner to transform acquired knowledge and skills into constructive and beneficial problem-solving. In self-discovery, contemplation/reflection and decision making are vital and refer to getting an idea into one’s head and playing around with it from all angles trying out various options. Individuals are always persuaded to look at things from another perspective (angle) – thinking outside the box as a way of problem-solving.

(b) Creativity and Innovation 

Following what is stated in (a) above individuals are inspired to come up with personalized solutions to address existing challenges.  Self-discovery is itself a process of taking the initiative for personal creation and self-uplifting (re-inventing oneself) Albert Einstein, a renowned scientist and philosopher concluded thus; Logic can take you from point A to B but imagination will take your everywhere.”

Self-discovery also prepares individuals for risk-taking and perseverance, which are essential for invention and entrepreneurship – venturing into what could be seen as “unusual business.

(c) Self-Control

You cannot talk of any form of self-empowerment without mentioning self-control or self-conquest.

As the self-discovery saying goes A foolish man wants to conquer the world but a wise man seeks to conquer oneself.

With self-control, we are fully in charge of our reactions and actions and can take advantage of our Strengths and Weaknesses as well as existing Opportunities and ­Threats, (SWOT) to make things work out in our favour.

(d) Integrity and Honesty

Self-discovery strongly condemns, turning to immoral and unscrupulous (dishonest) behaviour as a way of achieving success.  Rather, individuals are set to prepare themselves for a fight or struggle to get what they want.  According to Dr Alexis Carrel, “Man cannot remake himself without suffering for he is both the marble and the sculptor.” (the clay and artist).

Additionally, patience and perseverance are also emphasized.  Like an ancient gold-miner, you must tune yourself to digging up a lot of sand from which you will later, patiently wash out a few minute particles of gold ore.”   Dorothy Bryant.

(e) Positive Attitude to Work and Workplace Behaviour 

Self-discovery ably addresses the issue of mindset change as a stimulus that largely influences the way we act for a productive life.  As Robert Kiyosaki asserts, change of your perception will, in turn, influence your actions and consequently your results.”  Inspiration is always geared towards maintaining a positive attitude as a pre-requisite (necessary condition) for self-made success.  In that way, you can make your vocation your vacation, your job your joy and your career your crown; serving at your best with pleasure!

(f) Social and Interpersonal Skills 

Self-discovery being itself one of the SOFT SKILLS (un-measurable skills) is interconnected with several other social/interpersonal skills such as communication, assertiveness, emotional intelligence, etiquette, leadership, teamwork, time management, adaptability, etc.  In other words, it serves as a platform for one to access all the desirable habits to fit well in society. It enables an individual to get a sense of self-confidence, self-fulfilment and usefulness to society.


Self-discovery that has all along been overlooked,  is indeed a powerful yet basic energizer (handy tool) for unlocking an individual’s potential in appropriately designing one’s life for real sustainable development and success.  (Awakening the genius/giant in you).  It can be adapted to the Chinese proverb as follows; If you give a man a fish, he will continue to depend on you.  If you help a man to learn fishing he will continue to depend on the lake.  If you enable a man to discover himself he will continue to depend on himself”.


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